Hello, I'm
Olawale Orimogunje

  • Bachelor's Degree in Managment Information Systems
  • Graduate Student - Studying Computer Science
  • Over 5 years of IT Support Experience
  • Rutgers Coding Bootcamp Appentice
  • Programming Languages: JavaScript, Python, Java, PostgresSQL, HTML, CSS, Tailwind CSS
  • Hobbies: Photography, Weight Lifting, Movie Goer, Foodie, Causal Reading
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 Olawale Orimogunje
Photo of Olawale Orimogunje.
ScreenShot from StopWatch Project.

StopWatch built using React and Tailwind CSS

This is a project that was built using React. It utilizes React hooks such as useState and UseEffect. Tailwind CSS is used for the card feature of the stop watch and the box shadow effect. CSS was utilized for the background gradient color.

GPA Calculator - HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Created an interactive GPA Calculator that successfully calculates the subsequent GPA based on grades provided. Utilized objects and Array methods such as foreach to assist with calculation. Created a reset button utilizing the window object in JavaScript, which will successfully reset the calculator without reloading the entire webpage.

GPA Calculator
ScreenShot from GPA Calculator Project.
Nets Roster
ScreenShot from Nets Roster Page Project.

Nets Roster Page Replica

A React App that created a replica of the Brooklyn Nets Roster Homepage. Utilized React hooks (useEffect) to display data as a side effect and have it render on its own. Working with an NBA API for stats and player info. Utilized axios to parse the JSON data to get necessary information. Used CSS Tailwind for grid view and card feature to display player stats and names.